Bookish (and not so bookish) thoughts (Oct 4)



‘Bookish (and not so bookish) thoughts’ is hosted by Christine at Bookishly Boisterous. It’s just a round-up of bookish and other things from the previous week. Share a link there if you want to participate.

1. It’s October already, but the weather has felt more like summer. This weekend will be one of our more warmer Thanksgiving weekends for a few years. Time flies on and before we know it Christmas will be here!

2. I spent last weekend building two more IKEA Billy bookcases and rearranging my books once more. The picture at the top of the post isn’t of my new bookcases, but is instead my rearranged Tolkien and Lewis shelves.

3. We’re looking forward to a couple of weeks of holiday from this Friday onwards. Some of my family members arrived from Scotland yesterday, so we’ll be able to spend some time with them. Also our daughter will be home on Friday for a five day break. Added to this is her high school graduation ceremony on Friday night.

4. I haven’t had that much reading time this past week due to getting things ready for our visitors and finishing off a number of things at work before our holiday time. I’m hoping I’ll get some quality reading time in during my time off. I have some books lined up I’d like to get into, so hopefully I’ll find the time.

5. It was a great opener for the Leafs tonight – a 7-2 road win against the Jets. Hopefully it’s a sign of a great season ahead. Added to this is TFC claiming the Supporters’ Shield last weekend. Unfortunately, the Jays didn’t make the playoffs this year, but maybe next year instead.

6. The shooting tragedy in Las Vegas earlier this week just makes me numb. It’s time for our southern neighbours to take a serious look at gun control. These kinds of shootings are becoming far too frequent.

7. I rewatched ‘Michael Clayton’ for the first time in a while last weekend. I’d forgotten just how great it is. It’s probably my second favourite George Clooney movie behind ‘O Brother Where Art Thou?’

Posted on October 4, 2017, in bookish (and not so bookish) thoughts, books, C.S. Lewis, Christmas, fall, football, hockey, J.R.R. Tolkien, life, MLS, movies, NHL, reading, TFC, Toronto Maple Leafs. Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. Ah, I love time spent getting ready for guests! Enjoy your time together.

    I love your bookshelf.

    Gun control is definitely needed in the US…my eldest son lives in Europe and speaks of how great it is not to worry so much about guns.



    • Thanks, I’m sure our time together will be enjoyable.

      I used to live in Scotland and just can’t get my mind around the lack of gun control in the US. Even living in Canada I just can’t understand it.

      Thanks for dropping by and I’ll be sure to check out your post soon.


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