Library Loot (Sept 2)

badge-4Library Loot is a weekly event co-hosted by Claire from The Captive Reader and Linda from Silly Little Mischief that encourages bloggers to share the books they’ve checked out from the library. If you’d like to participate go to The Captive Reader or Silly Little Mischief to find out how you can.

One of the great things about our new home in St Marys is that the local library is about a two minute walk from the house. Since we moved here at the end of June we have visited the library at least once a week. It is so handy and the selection of books, DVDs, CDs, etc. is first class. This means that it should be no problem to take part in this meme each week. This evening we walked down to the library and I picked up the following books:


  • The Night Bookmobile – Audrey Niffenegger. This one looked quite interesting and short enough to read in one session.
  • Nebula Awards Showcase 2014 Kij Johnson (ed.). A couple of years ago I took part in Sci-Fi Month and really enjoyed being part of it. For various reasons I was unable to be part of it. This year I’m thinking about joining up again and hopefully this collection will whet my appetite enough to do so.
  • Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking – Susan Cain. I am very introverted and maybe reading this book may help me to understand myself better.

I have been better at reading my library books since I moved here, but there have been a few that I have had to return unread. I’m hoping that I can continue to improve and would be happy if I managed at least two of these, if not all three. We’ll see how that works out for me soon!

Posted on September 2, 2015, in books, library, Library Loot, reading, St Marys. Bookmark the permalink. 6 Comments.

  1. Great loot! Good luck in your new home and with your new blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m interested in Quiet! Introverts unite…..separately! 😉


  3. I enjoyed The Night Bookmobile. Hope you like it. I’ve heard a lot of good things about Quiet. Enjoy!


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